Occasionally, the same change needs to be made to a large number of users. The archive allows for the modification of roles and user status in bulk.
To begin, select the users you would like to modify. Next, select the action.
To update roles:
- Select the users you would like to modify
- Select "Roles" from the actions panel above the table
- Select the role(s) to add or remove the selected users
- If the user already has the role attempting to be added or does not have the role to be removed they will simply be skipped.
- Select "Add" or "Remove" to perform the desired action
To update status:
To enable or disable multiple users:
- Select the users you would like to modify
- Select the 'more' button from the actions panel to reveal the enable and disable options
- Select the desired action
Note: Disabled users will not be able to log in to the application or reset their password.
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