To create a new user in the system you must first be sure that you are logged in to a user account with Account Administrator privileges.
Navigate to the 'Users' page on the left hand navigation menu.
Users can be created individually, via bulk upload, or my enabling synchronization with your Azure Active Directory. This article will describe creating users in bulk by uploading a csv list.
When selecting CSV as the method of creating new users, you are able to download the required template to populate with the users you would like to create.
additional-email | contact-email | first-name | last-name | send-welcome-email | username |
Any alias or additional email (other than the primary contact email) that the user should have access to within the "MyArchive" section. multiple emails should be separated by semi-colons (i.e. `;;...`) |
The primary contact email for the user | given name | family name | set to 'true' to send a system generated welcome message to the newly created user. set to 'false' to suppress this message. | the username for the user; this must be unique and can be the primary email. |
Users are created as enabled and must follow the "forgot your password" workflow upon their first login to establish their password. Users created via CSV upload will all be given the "End User" role by default and can be given additional roles once created in the UI.
If the file is not using the template headers or otherwise not properly formatted, the system will be unable to process the file.
There may also be scenarios where the import will be able to partially process the file. This could be a result of duplicated users or blank fields for an individual user. In these cases, the system will process as much as possible and create the users with sufficient detail. Any user that was unable to be processed will be logged in a detailed error report that will be made available when the system completes the processing of the upload. Note: the list of errors is not accessible once this error message is dismissed.
Known Issues:
Firefox browser removes extension / xtn: AR-2939
It has been observed when using the Firefox browser, the extension of the CSV file may be removed. To open the file correctly, you will need to access your computers file browser, and add .csv to the file. Example. template.csv
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