The View Archive Partner Control Center (PCC) is an application for Partners to partly manage their customer's archive accounts.
Who can have access:
Partners that have signed agreement with Barracuda and are on a monthly recurring royalty plan can request access.
Key Features of the tool are:
Create new archive accounts
Review statistical data in relation to an archive account
Manage User accounts (i.e. reset password)
All activity is audited
Limitations/Considerations of usage are:
Any account you create, you will be charged for each mailbox actively journaling to the archive
Example: 1 new account is created with 10 mailboxes journaling to the archive. Partner will be invoiced contracted rate for 10 mailboxes.
To cancel an account, you will need to contact and cc
Partners that have integrated their customer control panel with the view archive via the API, you will manage your accounts using the account statuses (delete, suspend, etc.). There will be no need to contact Barracuda via email.
User Management:
- It is not possible to create new users for an archive account via this control panel. Any new user account must be created from with the archive account, by the customer.
Granting your Support/Admin users access to the PCC
Upon approval, the Sonian/Barracuda Archive Tech Support Team will create a single user account that will have role privileges to create additional users to access PCC.
Creating additional users:
Select ‘Managers’ from the left-hand side navigation bar; then select ‘New’ icon near top right.
Complete the form:
Email Notification:
The target recipient will be sent an email, asking then to confirm. They must click the link within 24 hours:
PCC User Roles:
There are two roles that can be granted to users for PCC, PCC Administrator & PCC Manager; their descriptions are below.
For the Typical Admin user, we recommend that they are given the PCC Manager Role.
Additional features the PCC Administrator will also see (soon), will be additional Audits features that allows the partner to request a list to CSV, all of their accounts.
Navigate through the portal using the following options:
- Accounts: - Will list all the accounts assigned to your partner account
Managers: - Will show a list of Users authorized to access the portal (Admins only will see this)
Audit Reports: - The Control Panel auditing feature, used to track all user access and actions on PCC (cannot be used to see customer account audits).
Find: - Use to quickly locate a customer account
New: - depending on the page you are on, will enable you to:
Create new Archive Account
Create new PCC user
Generate new Audit report
Account Creation:
To create a new account, From the ‘Accounts’ navigation page;
Select new.
Complete the form
Account creation walkthrough:
Account Name, must be unique in the archive world, upon submission if the Account Name has previously been used, it will advise on the screen. Change the account name to something else.
Site Name, This will be used to provide a unique url entry for access via the cloud. Again must be unique in the archive world (No spaces or special characters). If a site-name applied is already utilized, it will advise upon submission of the form
External ID, Used only where partners want to apply a tag that matches their internal reference for the customer account in question. Must also be unique.
Mailbox Count, this entry is to be used to identify how many unique mailboxes the customer will be journaling to the archive service. As a partner, it is your responsibility to ensure that this value remains true and up to date.
Add customer Address details:
Inclusion of Email Domains:
It is required that the email domains that will be journaled to the archive account be entered upon creation.
Select the + to add a domain, you will also have the option to add multiple domains if needed,
(it is possible to update these after account creation to manage the domains after creation in the account management section)
Administrator details:
Upon creation of any archive account, it is necessary to create the first Administrative user to access the archive account.
Upon submission of the new account form, and email will be sent to the Admin user, advising them to create their password. They will have 24 hrs in order to complete the password setup before the token in the email expires.
Should the token expire, the ‘user’ will need to navigate to their unique URL for their archive and submit a forgotten password process, completing either their username or the email address, where a new token will be submitted.
Managing Customer Archive Accounts:
From navigation page ‘Accounts’, identify or search for the customer account you want to review/manage.
Select the Manage link on the far right of the list.
When an account is selected, the options available to edit are in blue
Account Name: option to change the account name.
URL Edit: Option to adjust the URL (Site-name) that the customer would use to access the archive via a browser.
Manage Users: Ability to manage users: Select Users, to be presented with a list of existing users that have been created via the Customer from within the application itself or via a customer API integration from within your own control panel.
NOTE: It is not possible to create additional users to access any customers archive from this PCC application. Any additional users must be created via your own API integrated control panel or from within the archive application itself when logged into a customer account (i.e. the customer creates an additional user). The sole purpose is to not present a loophole that allows external influences create access to a customer account, where not authorized to do so.
Account Management Page: Users
- Account name
- Indicator as to health of the archive, whether actively journaling or not
Storage summary statistics
General account information details
- Account name can be changed, for the rare occurrence that it is needed to be changed
- Customer’s unique URL to access the archive
- This can be edited, will take change immediately.
- Mailbox count, the number of mailboxes set that will be journal to the archive. This can be updated by selecting "edit", updating the desired amount of mailboxes to use used moving forward and selecting "save".
- Link to the Manage Users page
- Archive Account Creation Date / Migration from the old service Date
Listing the users
To manage any user, select EDIT upon the chosen user, to open the following:
The management of a user to access a customer’s archive is quite self-explanatory, and mirrors exactly what a customer has within their own archive account, with the exception you cannot create new users for a customer’s archive.
Audit Reports
The PCC interface comes with a fully functional auditing tool that will enable you to audit all activity performed through the PCC application. This can be accessed from the home screen on the left hand side navigation bar, AUDIT REPORTS.
When accessing the audit page, any reports that you have created previously will appear.
Create a new Audit Report
To generate a new audit report, select the NEW, link at the top right of the screen. Enter in the details relating to the date range you want to audit upon,
select create.
Audit report generation is a batch processing action, it could take some time to complete the reports.
Upon Completion of the report generation, you access the report. If the page does not refresh, please logout of PCC, then back in again, check to see if the report has completed.
Reports have to be downloaded as a CSV file to view.
Example of a report:
Billing Reports
Billing reports is a mechanism for the partners to quickly pull a listing of all active accounts for the selected environment.
Billing reports are automatically generated on the 2nd day of every month at 2:00am UTC and once complete are available for downloading from with the UI.
This can be accessed from the home screen on the left hand side navigation bar, BILLING REPORTS
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