Should you require to cancel the archive services, you will need to provide notice to your service provider in accordance with the agreed terms of service.
Details to provide:
- Account Holders Name
- Account Company Name
- Any reference to an Account ID you have with your service provider
- Date of cancellation of service (you may be required to issue notice period for cancellation)
- Whether the data in the archive needs to be exported
If data is required to be exported from your archive, this can be performed via 2 methods:
- Export the data yourselves via the control panel, noting that you are limited to a maximum 30,000 messages per export (you will have to export based on date ranges)
- Contact your Service provider for a Bulk Export Service, note that charges are applicable on a per GB of uncompressed data exported.
1. Depending on the size of your archive, you may be able to export the data yourselves using the archive interface and downloading the data upon completion of each export. Note if you adopt this method, you must ensure that you complete & download your exports prior to your service cancellation.
2. If you have high volumes of data in the archive, it will be more efficient to request a concierge service from your Service Provider to arrange to bulk export the data for you, and either provide you with links to download the data or have the data delivered to you on an Amazon AWS Snowball device. Charges are applicable for this service.
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